Nov 3, 2007 1:17:16 GMT -5
Post by Killy Brooks on Nov 3, 2007 1:17:16 GMT -5
Oh! Happy LATE Halloween everyone.
Lots of love from me!!
Nov 3, 2007 4:14:31 GMT -5
Post by Ian Flanagan on Nov 3, 2007 4:14:31 GMT -5
Yes! and happy new year. pagan new year . . .
I'm bored. I'd forgotten how dull 5 in the morning is online. Damn my bartender for not fucking me tonight lol. Thous after last night's couple I'm not sure I'm up to it . . . omg I could barely move when I woke up and I'm well marked all over.
Just cause you all needed to know that . . .right. hah. later!
Nov 3, 2007 12:53:57 GMT -5
Post by Candy Berrt on Nov 3, 2007 12:53:57 GMT -5
darn i always miss everyone on here.
well yeah.. so hi! i ahve aim and msn if any of yall have em.
Nov 3, 2007 20:16:38 GMT -5
Post by Patricia Tran on Nov 3, 2007 20:16:38 GMT -5
Well, y'all be happy to here that I'm developing somewhat of a life. I've been filling out forms to volunteer on weekends at a local hospital and if that doesn't work there's a nursing home within walking distance! I'm also joining the National Honor Society at school for proof of community service. On weekdays, I might babysit for a measly $4 an hour for a next-door neighbor's kindergartner, who has a mechanical valve- not sure if I really wanna do it yet because it seems a little dodgy considering I've never really babysat before.
Nov 5, 2007 13:05:58 GMT -5
Post by Killy Brooks on Nov 5, 2007 13:05:58 GMT -5
OH gosh we SOOO needed to know that, it's true. I mean atleast we now know your having fun.....right? Lol.
And TRISH!!! That's pretty awesome about going to be a volunteer at a hospital. I think that would be pretty interesting!! And wow National Honor Society? Stellar, stellar, stellar! Its great to know your developing a life! Yayy Trish! =P. =D. hee hee hee.
You all have a nice day, mmkay?
Nov 6, 2007 18:06:54 GMT -5
Post by Patricia Tran on Nov 6, 2007 18:06:54 GMT -5
...Somehow that response sounded a bit satirical . It's not fun... the hospital kinda wreaks of death, but the point is is that I'm out there doing something aside from being a couch potato (which I'm still gonna be just less now, which kinda sucks cuz I kinda liked being a couch potato as bad and pathetic as that sounds).m
Nov 6, 2007 21:44:06 GMT -5
Post by Candy Berrt on Nov 6, 2007 21:44:06 GMT -5
hahahah good for you trish? well i'm applying to be a snowbaord instructor.. shyeahh -crosses fingers-
Nov 10, 2007 16:09:08 GMT -5
Post by Patricia Tran on Nov 10, 2007 16:09:08 GMT -5
Nov 13, 2007 7:36:42 GMT -5
Post by Ian Flanagan on Nov 13, 2007 7:36:42 GMT -5
So . . .
will we ever being seeing Ty again?
Was most of the last year just some weird fantasy caused by excessive fasting? Because I would have sworn most of you guys were real . . . *scratches head*. Hmm. I'll need to look into that.
Nov 13, 2007 9:50:55 GMT -5
Post by Roxanne Carter on Nov 13, 2007 9:50:55 GMT -5
haha yeah, you got me Aidan. I'm just as lost as you are..
he says a week or so.. now it's been about 3. whaaa?
but i'm still real! lol
Nov 14, 2007 14:33:35 GMT -5
Post by Killy Brooks on Nov 14, 2007 14:33:35 GMT -5
Oh I'm real too. I think? Or maybe I am some fantasy. Either way..i'm here.
And I do understand how one week can become three or so. Week came go by before you notice that the many weeks have REALLY gone by.
Well yayy for you Trish. Wreaks of death? Really? Well that's got to be lovely. Still i think it would be interesting.
And good luck Candy!
Nov 17, 2007 15:29:57 GMT -5
Post by Patricia Tran on Nov 17, 2007 15:29:57 GMT -5
Ok, well it doesn't reek of death per se.... That's a heavy hyperbole on my part. It kinda has a bunch of smells like the cafeteria smells of food and possibly the gift shop might have a flowery smell if they have flowers- not to sure since I haven't investigated it yet. But I should be working at the gift shop from 11 to 3pm on Sundays in December, including around the holidays cuz I don't celebrate Christmas. Oh I also joined the Spanish club! If I knew some of the activities were in the morning before school started, I would have joined them a long time ago.
Nov 19, 2007 8:13:39 GMT -5
Post by Tyler Dias on Nov 19, 2007 8:13:39 GMT -5
I apologise deeply for my extended disappearance... =( sorry guys!! lol, and i'm real too, just like you guys are... unless, we're all figments of one another's imaginations?
i was really really sick after the trip, over worked ourselves to death i suppose and the weather's not helping. It's bloody snowing in Nottingham and that's not even talking about the northern part of the place. It isn't normal.. but nevermind that.
hope to talk to you lot again some time soon. Take care!
Nov 19, 2007 13:48:31 GMT -5
Post by Ian Flanagan on Nov 19, 2007 13:48:31 GMT -5
Snow? I'm jealous. It's bloody 70-something degrees Fahrenheit here and I'm sick of shorts and being unable to wear my coat which is fucking adorable.
I'm up at all hours but I can't get online right now. The free wireless connection isn't working. Hmph.
Nov 20, 2007 18:21:39 GMT -5
Post by Patricia Tran on Nov 20, 2007 18:21:39 GMT -5
Huh, well I certainly don't envy you, Ty. I haven't gotten sick yet, thank Gautama. I'm going to be dreading the snow cuz that'll mean less time for me to go out driving. I'm already a crappy driver in dry weather almost crashing several times, I'll cause a friggin' pileup in the snow.
Oh, I almost forgot. Golden boy Ty is one year closer to being a man, so any plans? Gonna be spoiled rotten and get a Kawasaki KLR650 or whatever is popular in the motocrossing biz?